My sister Kendis' girls, Maile and Alia...they were showing us their very creative "choreography" dance moves, but the funniest thing about this picture is Kendis in hysterics on the couch!
The kids all costumed up right before a play we put on for my mom. From left to right, Maile, Faith, Campbell, Micah, Alia, Nathan and Brant (with the storm trooper mask on).
All smiles!
My boys (Nathan in front, Micah in back) riding Cool Breeze, one of my mother's Arabians. Cool is the grandson of Cass-Ole, the beautiful black horse made famous in the movie, The Black Stallion.
My mom trying to get Cool to cooperate while the boys were taking a little jaunt.
All the kiddos and my mom grooming Cool before riding time!
The kids and Aunt Kendis walking Cool out of the pasture.
My mom's pretty farm.
Micah, Nathan and I spent 6 days down in Oklahoma on my mother's farm. All three of my sisters and their kids (5 + my 2 = 7 total kids) were able to stay on the farm. My mom's husband, Jack, was off visiting his son, so we were man-free (i.e., no husbands) for the duration (that was okay until I started missing my hubby like crazy)!
We had a great time helping my mom in the barn (just like my growing up years), cleaning stalls, feeding horses, taking them out to the pasture, weeding the garden, etc. The kids LIVED in the pool and I suffered through a couple training runs at 5:30 in the morning with 84 degree weather and 100% humidity! All in all, it was a fun trip and it was awesome to see all my little nieces and nephews. Each one has his/her own wonderful personality! I'm posting a couple pictures and will probably add a few more during the week. As the official photographer, you'll notice I'm not in any of the pictures! Oh well - I wish I'd made my sisters and I get together for a photo - we never seem to do that when we're all together! Next time!
love it!!!! So much fun :0)