This past Sunday, Andy and I completed the Tacoma City Marathon, our 2nd marathon each, and we had an amazing day of running. For Andy, he had followed an aggressive new plan, with the hope of running a sub-4 (under 4 hour) marathon, and he made it! My plan was to run just under 5, but the very warm sun that decided to come on out to play giving us record temperatures, held me back and brought me in around the same time as my first marathon (5:37 or so...). I was and still am disappointed by that time - my training was such that I should've finished in 4:55 or so - but, a lot of people were tapped out by the sun and came in with later times than they were used to, so I'll be satisfied with what I did, and happy, happy, happy that I was able to run it, complete it and have family and friends cheering me on! Wahoo!! God is so faithful, and I'm continually amazed that He has given me the ability to run these races, even when they are hard, long and arduous! So thankful for His gifts!
The course was absolutely beautiful (a new, less hilly course this year), and I thoroughly enjoyed running over the Tacoma Narrows Bridge at the start of the course. Apparently, my legs did as well, since I was clocking 9:47 and 10:05 miles for the first 3 or 4 miles (MUCH, MUCH faster than my intended pace - oh well!).
Click the Tacoma News Tribune link HERE for some cool pictures of our race!
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