
Sunday, January 3, 2016

Bacon and Egg "Cupcakes"

I'm always looking for a quick, protein-filled breakfast that is nutritious and satisfying. If I can grab and go, even better! So when I saw these in I Quit Sugar, a new book I got over Christmas, I knew we had to try them out. We did four of these as scrambled eggs, since that's what Andy likes, and the rest we did as eggs just cracked right into the muffin tin. The recipe calls for them to be cooked for 15 minutes. This is a little long as all my yolks were hard cooked. I want a runny yolk, so I'll be experimenting with lower cooking time. Either way, these were delicious, and I will definitely be cooking them again.

Bacon and Egg Cupcakes

12 eggs
10-12 slices bacon (you may need to cut these to fit the muffin tin)
Feta Cheese

1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

2. Lightly grease a muffin tine. Line each cu with a slice of bacon, pressing the bacon around the sides of the hole, not on the bottom. If you like crispier bacon, cook for 5-8 minutes. Remove from the oven.

3. Crack one egg into each hole.

4. Sprinkle with cheese and fresh herbs.

5.Bake for 10-15 minutes or until the egg is the doneness you like. Leave in the pan for 1 minute, and then using knife, remove. Enjoy immediately.


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