
Monday, October 5, 2015

Potato Focaccia Pugliese

I wanted to try a different and fun bread this weekend. I saw this recipe in my 100 Great Breads book by Paul Hollywood and thought this fit the bill. This bread is delicious - a mix between the more dense focaccia and the more porous pugliese. I used rosemary from my garden and little potatoes from the farmers' market. This bread takes only a 2-hour rise. It's worth the time.

Potato Focaccia Pugliese
scant 4 cups white bread flour, plus extra for dusting
1 tbs salt
1 package yeast (I used rapid rise here)
1 & 1/4 cup water
olive oil
8-10 new potatoes, scrubbed and thinly sliced
rock salt, to sprinkle
2 sprigs fresh rosemary, de-stemmed

1. Put the flour, salt, yeast, and water into a bowl and mix to form a dough. Let stand in the bowl for 1 hour to double in size.

2. Line a baking sheet. Tip the dough out of the bowl onto the baking sheet and flatten with your hands, then brush with olive oil and, using your fingers, make indentations over the surface. Layer the potatoes over the top, then sprinkle with a little rock salt and stud with rosemary sprigs. Let rise on baking sheet for 1 hour.

3. Preheat the oven to 450 degrees. Bake the bread for 20-30 minutes. Check after 20. Remove from the oven and brush the load with more olive oil, then transfer to a wire rack and serve when cooled.

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